图标描述 MimicBrush: Zero-shot Image Editing with Reference Imitation

1The University of Hong Kong   2Alibaba Group   3Ant Group

Diverse editing results produced by MimicBrush, where users only need to specify the to-edit regions in the source image (i.e., white masks) and provide an in-the-wild reference image illustrating how the regions are expected after editing. Our model automatically captures the semantic correspondence between them, and accomplishes the editing in one execution.

Video Introduction

Local Region Editing


Texture Transfer


Post-processing Refinement



Image editing serves as a practical yet challenging task considering the diverse demands from users, where one of the hardest parts is to precisely describe how the edited image should look like. In this work, we present a new form of editing, termed imitative editing, to help users exercise their creativity more conveniently. Concretely, to edit an image region of interest, users are free to directly draw inspiration from some in-the-wild references (e.g., some relative pictures come across online), without having to cope with the fit between the reference and the source. Such a design requires the system to automatically figure out what to expect from the reference to perform the editing. For this purpose, we propose a generative training framework, dubbed MimicBrush, which randomly selects two frames froma video clip, masks some regions of one frame, and learns to recover the masked regions using the information from the other frame. That way, our model, developed from a diffusion prior, is able to capture the semantic correspondence between separate images in a self-supervised manner. We experimentally show the effectiveness of our method under various test cases as well as its superiority over existing alternatives. We also construct a benchmark to facilitate further research.

Overall Pipeline

Overall Pipeline

The training process of MimicBrush. First, we randomly sample two frames from a video sequence as the reference and source image. The source image are then masked and exerted with data augmentation. Afterward, we feed the noisy image latent, mask, background latent, and depth latent of the source image into the imitative U-Net. The reference image is also augmented and sent to the reference U-Net. The dual U-Nets are trained to recover the masked area of source image. The attention keys and values of reference U-Net are concatenated with the imitative U-Net to assist the synthesis of the masked regions.


      title={Zero-shot Image Editing with Reference Imitation},
      author={Chen, Xi and Feng, Yutong and Chen, Mengting and Wang, Yiyang and Zhang, Shilong and Liu, Yu and Shen, Yujun and Zhao, Hengshuang},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.07547},